APASL 2020| Prof. Rino A. Gani: How to prevent and treat fungal infection of liver cirrhosis?

Local time on March 7, 8:00, the 29th annual asia-pacific liver disease association (APASL2020) "severe liver disease monitoring workshop" held in Bali, Indonesia, to hepatitis b virus infection, and the influence of DILI, cirrhosis of respiratory failure, TB drug prevention and assessment of DILI, fungal infections and cirrhosis of the four topics, share the latest progress and ideas, and discuss the related issues Prof.Rino A. Gani, President of the conference and Professor of The University of Indonesia, Shared with Hepatology Digest the discussion on fungal infections in cirrhosis, as detailed below.

<Hepatology Digest>: What are the risk factors associated with fungal infection in patients with cirrhosis?
Dr Gani: For patients who are immunocompromised, such as patients post-liver transplantation, the risk of fungal infections increases. We also have to remember that fungal infections can cause complications in patients with liver cirrhosis. Liver cirrhosis itself can be immune compromising, so we have to pay attention to the chance of fungal infections occurring, especially in patients with long-term antibiotic use. That is something we have to remember in patients with liver cirrhosis.

<Hepatology Digest>: What other factors should be considered in the early diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections?
Dr Gani: Studies show that early treatment with antifungal therapy will increase the likelihood of healing in patients with liver cirrhosis with a fungal infection. If a patient has risk factors for fungal infections, early diagnosis should be sought with either galactomannan or beta-D-glucan biomarkers. For treatment, the use of anidulafungin or micafungin may be preferable for these patients, because of their lesser hepatotoxicity.
